First of all, Burial 10 contains a wide coffin. Inside the coffin is a skeleton with its head pointing …show more content…
The only subjective characteristic I incorporated is my numbering system for the type of quadrant individual grave sites are placed into. Quadrant one listed on my map contains all high-status females. They are females, because the skeletons are pointing north, the head is facing west, and the coffins are narrow which is in contrast with Burial 10 and the following burials within quadrant three. They are high-status, because of the amount of artifacts in comparison with quadrant three which, again, contains the presumed “King”. Another indicator of their high-status is in the contrast between the females in quadrants two and four. The low-status burials in quadrant two and four are buried with only a single blue marble inside the coffins. The high-status burials in quadrant one are marked with green coffins and urns. For indicators of age differences, the females placed in coffins are the adults. Those buried without a coffin, but with urns beside the skeletons are adolescents. The one skeleton buried inside an urn is a child. The evidence in order to make this plausible is correlated by the size of each skeleton and what they are buried with. The skeletons not only buried with an urn beside them, but also encased in a coffin are buried with more artifacts and regular star and shell ornaments. The skeletons only buried next to an urn have translucent star and …show more content…
Within the closed off area of this cemetery are three peculiar burials. However, I have created sensible conclusions for each grave site. My inference for burial 13 is a female of high-status who was probably a courtesan who not only had male clients, but female as well. Usually, courtesans are never highly respected in most cultures. This would explain the apparent missing torso and legs which could represent “overuse” and/or “promiscuity”. I believe her to be a high-status female because inside the urn beside her head are two regular shell ornaments. Only high-status, adult females are buried with such objects. Another indicator of not only her reputation but also her sexuality is the fact that male and female artifacts are buried outside of her urn. When artifacts are not buried with you or directly surrounding you in this society, to me, it shows a sign of unattainability for those partners in a possible afterlife. Or she murdered burial 14 and received a beheading and disrespectful burial as penance. It is possible that burial 13 is a male who disguised himself as a female in order to seduce burial 14 so he/she can murder him for the throne in later years. Oh the drama! My inference for burial 14 is an adolescent male of high-status who was possibly murdered by another society for economic reasons or by someone within his own society. I believe