Education is not one way of learning it is a constantly changing thing that evolves as you grow up. In the first situation I was taught a way of learning, being kind and trying to ignore the harassment. I put that through trial and error and found that it didn’t work. Where I went wrong is when I knew what I was doing is wrong and is still continued to do it. Education needs to be constantly changing and updating if it isn’t you are wasting your time in this world. I was ignorant in my way of education because I didn’t want to learn anything but the way I first learned. In my second experience there was a breaking point and that breaking point was the second form of education. Forced learning, it is the point when you have no choice but to change the way you are learning or you will continue make mistakes until you die. It wasn’t trial and error anymore it was forced education and sometimes that is the only way to
Education is not one way of learning it is a constantly changing thing that evolves as you grow up. In the first situation I was taught a way of learning, being kind and trying to ignore the harassment. I put that through trial and error and found that it didn’t work. Where I went wrong is when I knew what I was doing is wrong and is still continued to do it. Education needs to be constantly changing and updating if it isn’t you are wasting your time in this world. I was ignorant in my way of education because I didn’t want to learn anything but the way I first learned. In my second experience there was a breaking point and that breaking point was the second form of education. Forced learning, it is the point when you have no choice but to change the way you are learning or you will continue make mistakes until you die. It wasn’t trial and error anymore it was forced education and sometimes that is the only way to