Social differentiation of men and woman is what the whole play “Trifles” is about. The roles men and woman play in society is throughout the whole play including when the men investigating the murder went around the Wright house making comments about how dirty the house was and saying Mrs. Wright was a lazy wife because of that. …show more content…
Social differentiation of men and woman is shown through the whole play, showing the roles men and woman had during that time. Chauvinism versus female self- sufficiency is proved when the men feel sorry for Mr. Wright and think that he didn’t do a think wrong. Mr. Wright constantly abused his wife with his despotism causing spousal abuse and mental abuse of females as the weaker gender. These six themes are categorized into one large theme and that is sexism. “Trifles” in just about every scene has some sort of sexism. Killing Minnie’s bird caused insanity and was considered mental abuse due to Mr. Wright’s despotism and Chauvinism resulting in Mr. Wright’s