Mercutio In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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Mercutio is one of Shakespeare's most memorable characters out of all the different characters he has included into his different plays. Mercutio is one of Romeo's best friends throughout the book. Mercutio was killed by Tybalt another important character rather early in the book but was still recognized as a one of Shakespeare's greatest creations. But what makes Mercutio such an important and memorable character in Romeo and Juliet.
First,Mercutio is such a memorable character due to his loyalty towards romeo throughout the play up until his death. Throughout the play he shows loyalty to romeo by standing up for him in act 3 scene 1 when tybalt was starting fights. But since he was so loyal to him it got him into some trouble witch ended his life. As Tybalt stabbed him while he was fighting for Romeo. When Mercutio was dying from the stab wound he showed a huge amount of loyalty when he said to him before his last breath was "A
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Mercutio doesn't see love as an important thing he just looks at it as something fun and sexual just like the nurse looks at it. But in saying this it does add some character to him throughout the play as well as some irony as the point of the play is about true love and in mercutio's mind life is not about true love. One example of mercutio showing this is in act 1 scene 4 when Romeo and Mercutio are talking about Rosaline not being interested in Romeo anymore he responds to Romeo by saying If love be rough with you, be rough with love;prick love for pricking and you beat love down. This shows his dislike for true love. Mercutio offton mocks and taunts Romeo for his love for rosaline at the beginning of the play and later into the play when Romeo was in love with Juliet but Mercutio wasn't so harsh with the razing and taunting when he finally realized how strong the love for her

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