Mayella’s race is powerful in the story because she is a white poor woman who lives being the towns garbage dump in what once used to be a negro cabin. “Mayella Ewell must have been the loneliest person in the world: white people wouldn’t have anything to do with her because she lived among pigs; Negros wouldn’t have anything to do with her because she’s white” Quote(Lee chapter 19). The quote gave Mayella even more power by showing everyone how poor and innocent she was, giving her an advantage to win the case. The quote is saying why would a poor white woman be lying about getting raped by a negro male, the jury would believe Mayella more. …show more content…
Mayella is asked “ I mean, is he good to you, is he easy to get along with?” Quote, (Lee Chapter 18). After being asked, Mayella had looked at her father who was sitting in the stands leaned back in his chair tipped against the railing. Mayella then responds with “he’s tollable, ‘cept when-“ Mayella suddenly stops and looks at her father as he stands up straight in his chair waiting for an answer from Mayella, she doesn’t tell the truth and says “cept when he’s drinking”Quote( Lee chapter 18) In the story this quote makes Mayella even more powerful because if she would have told the truth right there and then she would have gotten her father in much