In 1925, Winston Churchill gave a lecture about the big changes of world and he pointed mostly World War I and the industrial sector with collectivization. Also, he illustrated his prediction for the future wars. According to Winston Churchill, the modern world is based on collectivization unlike before that every one followed the old business family. Churchill mentions that instead of individual works, and family business that were leaded directly by individual persons, a collectivized work gives the individuals more sense of security and a consistent salary which provides a better style of life for the workers. However, Churchill mentions some disadvantages of the collectivization. For instance, …show more content…
Winston Churchill, tells us about the World War I, he describes that bloody war in this way, World War I, was a destructive and the cruelest and this made this war be different than the previous wars. Also, he says that we cannot find the heroes and villains in the war and no one is taking the responsibility of that war. In the other hand, the allegations anxiously squeezed, now against this man or government or country, now against that, appear to disseminate them as the prosecution continues. Winston Churchill believes that the nature of wars of the future will be less sentimental and beautiful what's more, the following wars won't be limited between the armed forces and it will incorporate the entire populace and every part of the societies men, women, young, old, children, civics be a victim without difference. Furthermore, Nobody win and there won't be much greatness for general in this procedure and he believes that no one hero and winner in war and the clear evidence for his words he brought his gardener story as an evidence and he says that his gardener annihilated seven wasps' homes and he did his work most proficiently. At that point,