Lucy Grealy Mirror Analysis

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1) The central idea of Grealy’s story is that Lucy have experienced an operation which resulted that her half jaw was removed, after that she suffered 20 years’ of people’s vicious taunt and more than 30 operations to fix her face. Because of this, she lost all of her confidence and didn’t dare to look at the mirror. Had the operations done, she realized that she didn’t look like herself, and began to acknowledge that the face is a way we experience and make decision about the world, and how we appear to the world is easily affected by other people’s attitude. She provided a lot of details support, including her painful memory of childhood in hospital, she got insulted by men and boys, she covered her face beneath the hair and clothes, and …show more content…
The central idea of Douglass’s story is that Douglass was a slave in Master Hugh’s family, and he was taught the alphabet. From then on, he started to learn reading and writing by himself through various stratagems. He hated being a slave and planned to escape. The details he provides include how his mistress treated him differently, he read the books about freedom and abolition that give him the desire to escape, how he resort to various stratagems to learn reading and writing.
2) In Lucy Grealy’s Mirror, I can feel the emotion of angry, helpless, unsympathetic. Because Grealy describes a series of incidents, including her painful memory of childhood in hospital, she got insulted by men and boys, she covered her face beneath the hair and clothes, and that she liked Halloween because she can hide her face under the mask. She utilized the negative tone. Grealy doesn’t put together a linear narrative, because she described her grown up first, and then turned to her childhood, talking about what happened to her in her childhood, the chemotherapy process, after that she also inserted an
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Through the life story, I can get to know that how people will react in the same situation. Like how people study in their childhood, how people fall in love, how they treat their friends and family. These experiences can broaden my horizon and let me know that I still have a lot of things to study. If people refuse to understand other’s life story, I will be locked in my own world, without knowing anything that happened in the outside world. People will become more and more selfish cause they only care about what they did. And in the same time, they will lose many useful information that will help them in the future, because other people’s life is good tutorial for them to view their

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