In the three short stories, “The Most Dangerous Game,” “The Sniper,” and “Ambush,” the authors each used literary elements throughout each story to help create a theme. For example, all the characters in the stories had an external conflict. In “Ambush,” the narrator says, “Kiowa tried to tell me that the man would’ve died anyway. He told me that it was a good kill, that I was a soldier and this was war, that I should shape up and stop staring and ask myself what the dead man would’ve done if things were reserved.” This quote …show more content…
The authors used the conflict to help develop a universal theme. A possible theme for all three stories is, “Sometimes you have to do things that you aren’t proud of.” Each of the three authors used the characters to help develop the theme. The authors also used the conflicts to help teach the reader a lesson allowing a theme to be developed. Stories can have more than one theme, but overall one theme should stand out.
The last literary element is the characters. The stories each had similar characters. For example, “The Most Dangerous Game,” “Ambush,” and “The Sniper,” each had a main character who turned out to be the protagonist or also known as the hero of the story. However, each of the three stories also had a antagonist or the ‘bad guy’ in the story.
Throughout each short story, the authors used different literary elements to help develop other literary elements. For example, the authors used the characters and their conflicts to help develop a theme for each story. In conclusion, The authors of the three stories used similar literary elements throughout each