Emma Zunz Analysis

Superior Essays
Literary Analysis Essay Assignment
Emma Zunz is a short piece authored by Jorge Luis Borges. The storyline incorporated in this article illustrates the journey of an eponymous female protagonist that sought out to avenge the death of her father. The central themes included in the story include the basis of right and wrong, revenge, as well as justice. Borges bases his account on issues of self-deception, deceit, and the enigma associated with understanding and interpreting reality. As she devises a secret plan that will allow her to avenge the father, she is forced to act against her principles. She goes to the extremes of losing her virginity to a total stranger. In the short story Emma Zunz, Jorge Luis Borges incorporates a sophisticated story structure, explicit narrative strategy, and a core metaphor to illustrate the themes of revenge and justice in the piece.
Structure of the Story
As the story drops from its climax and introduces its final words, an ambiguous event is incorporated as the reader can only identify and relate to the sentiments of Emma. The father’s story is structured in a way that the readers cannot deductively identify the events that led to the father’s death. The reader cannot also determine whether Emma’s father was framed as
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Borges’s tends to detach his beliefs from the authority included in the legal system. He also illustrates his deep skepticism over the themes of justice and punishment. This story implicitly shows the reason for the identified outlook. In most cases, the disbelief leveled against the judicial system in Borges’s work leads to revenge and full honor. In his perfect prose, Borges seems to lay out the perception that the modern era is an era devoid of justice and citizens have the option to act on private loyalties. He completely rules out the perception that individuals should respond to legal and moral

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