The fact that these attributes of where she is now living are mentioned may mean that she was unable to experience these things where she once lived. Because of this, this may be interpreted as being grateful that she now gets to experience these things. The speaker also writes that her “senses have caught up with my body/ my breath with the air it swallows/ my hunger with my mouth” (ll 9-11). Again, this shows that although she was not used to the new land in the beginning, a completely normal occurrence when you move anywhere, she has finally become accustomed to America. When she speaks of her hunger, again it illustrates that she is happy that her family no longer experiences this now that they live in …show more content…
She speaks of how her son is a “strong American boy” (l 14), however the speaker follows this thought with how her son struggles with his identity as well. “Because I have seen his eyes redden when he is asked who he is/ because he answers I don’t know” (11 15-16). Although it may be assumed that he was born in America because he is considered an American boy, he still knows the struggle of his mother. He still feels the feeling of not belonging that comes immigration. As a mother, it would be a hard realization to know that your son is also struggling with something you hoped he never would have to when coming to a new