It is always a fear amongst the people, when a new king comes to the throne, whether he will be good and just or greedy and cruel. Imagine the kingdom in waiting as the new king was put to the throne. The kingdom knew it would be the next in line but what was he like? Would he be kind? Would he be a good king? The people needed a king who will care for the concerns and welfare of the kingdom. And to their happiness, Henry the V did just that. Being a young king, his life was still often times wrapped around pleasure seeking activities. Yet, unlike other young kings Henry V took his mantle of king seriously. It was his profession and he was determined to see it done well. While he was immature in some areas of life, Henry V fit the …show more content…
King Henry V was a magnificent speaker. He could persuade anyone (quote). Using his speech to persuade countries and his kingdom alike, Henry would change how he spoke with whom he spoke to. With his famous speech before the battle of St. Crispin’s day, King Henry V made known to the world his fabulous talent. With one speech he sent all his men into a battle with hopeful hearts: believing and trusting their king. Henry V told them that not matter what humility they were born in, today, would make them noble. It was presented that all men at home safe in their beds would, “curse themselves for not having been here, and think less of their own manhood when they listen to the stories of those who fought with us here on St. Crispin’s Day.” He presented himself honestly but still, at the same time manipulated the crowd. Not in a deceitful way, but stating his opinion or idea with power. Henry used his speech to not only persuade, but to present himself as an unstoppable force to other kingdoms so they dare not attack him. He could present himself as cold and menacing, passionate and warm, or happy and full of life. The gift of speech is a gift that is looked for in all kings and king Henry V possessed that prized …show more content…
He was on top of his role as king and took it seriously. Yes, when at relaxed times he did what he wished, but when the time was at hand King Henry would buckle down and make sure that the job at hand was finished. He would put all pleasures aside and work. He used all surrounding resources to finish that particular task and made sure that it was done. At night he would worry for his kingdom causing lack of sleep. He put the people above himself and did what he could for them making sure they were at peace and were