Comparing Marx And Engel's Communist Manifesto

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MANAGING GLOBALIZATION It has been established that globalization is unquestionable, that non-state actors are integral parts of the world system and that states still remain the primary actors. In light of these three notions, it is advantageous to examine globalization for what it is: hyper-capitalism, as capitalism is and always has been an international affair. Both Strange’s and Gilpin’s interpretations strengthen this argument. In Karl Marx and Friedrich Engel’s Communist Manifesto, they describe capitalism as a system that not only transcends borders but also benefits from the state’s existence. It must “nestle everywhere, settle everywhere, establish connections everywhere” in order to truly take advantage of the global markets. Capitalist states engage in the world economy for their own benefit. Therefore, states act in their national interest, as Gilpin describes. Furthermore, Marx and Engels note that through the “rapid movement of all instruments of production, by the immense facilitated means of communication…[the bourgeoisie] creates a world after its own image.” While they are specifically discussing capitalism, much of the Manifesto describes, if not predicts, globalization. The bourgeoisie, in this instance, can be inferred as a group of ruling states who benefit from the effects of globalization such as rapid movement and immense means of communication, as Marx and Engels note. Vladimir Lenin draws this comparison even more clearly. Capitalism among enterprises and capitalism among states are synonymous. Just as capitalism is the concentration of market power in the hands of a few companies, it also becomes the concentration of global market power in the hands of a few states. He writes, “it is beyond doubt…that capitalism’s transition to the stage of monopoly capitalism, to finance capital, is connected with the intensification of the struggle for spheres of influence.” Again, capitalist states act according to their national interest. An interesting connection can be drawn from Strange’s work in this regard. Strange emphasizes that is “power over” not “power from” that matters. Although she suggests that power does not have to involve exploitation, she alludes to Robert Cox’s class analysis. Production, according to Cox, generates different forms of power that result in the political authority of states which levy “hierarchies of production on society, which constitute…a system of accumulation [in which] power and wealth are accumulated through the production structure by the exploitation of some social groups by others.” Harkening back to Lenin, once the system of accumulation becomes transnational, as it certainly has, so does exploitation. Gilpin’s idea of the reciprocity between politics and economics is also relevant. Cox insists that there are three levels that define the system of accumulation: “production; the international political system of states; [and] the international political economy.” Thus, here lies more evidence …show more content…
Although Arrighi aggrandizes that the global system will become stateless, his mention of John Ruggie’s “‘postmodern hyperspace’” is useful. Ruggie states, “‘transnationalized microeconomic links…have created a non-territorial ‘region’ in the world economy.’” While Arrighi’s vision of a non-territorial world system might be exaggerated, Ruggie’s assessment of the globalized economy is spot-on. For instance, refer to the hegemony of the US. The US exports many items: technology, agricultural goods and natural resources, to name a few. However, its main export is culture. American movies, television, music and fashion settle, nestle and establish connections in all corners of the globe. For further confirmation, one does not have to look farther than their nearest McDonald’s. McDonald’s is the true embodiment of an MNC; it possesses upwards of 30,000 restaurants in 119 countries that serve roughly forty-seven million customers daily. McDonald’s has become so widespread and prevalent that theories have been written about it. For instance, Thomas Friedman’s “Golden Arches Theory of Conflict Prevention” suggests that countries that host McDonald’s do not go to war with each other, echoing capitalist peace theory. While this is an optimistic outlook of globalization, George Ritzer presents a more dismal outlook in his book, The McDonaldization of Society: An Investigation into the Changing Character of Social Life. McDonald’s embodies efficiency and division of labor––it is the mass production guided by assembly lines that Marx and Engels feared. The culture of McDonald’s is one of homogenization: the same golden arches, the same Big Macs, the same ordering process, the same jingles, and the same red and yellow color schemes, regardless if you’re in New York, Shanghai or Rio de

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