The documentary by the John Pilger- “The New Rulers of the World” describes the concept of globalization. …show more content…
The brand sweatshops, banks, hotels, and more were built on the mass murder of million people and exploiting the labor with lower wages. The establishment of companies in developing countries give the west private companies access to the wealth of periphery countries. John Pilger (2001) describes that “The New Rulers of the World” is a collision of poverty and imperialism. Pilger’s (2001) describes that the world is divided between rich and poor and due to effect of capitalism, the rich are getting richer and poor are getting poorer. Due to this wide gap, the poor people force to work at lower wages in companies like H&M, Walmart, and more. The imperialism has not been changed and the core companies have access or control all the world’s resources. These world resources are belonging to elite members of the society not to the poor labor. Today, the only difference is that the young educated people understand the effect of globalization and capitalism on poor …show more content…
The Global Assembly line shows the effect of global economy and represents the lives of working men and women of developing countries in free trade markets such as electronics and clothing manufacturing. The concept of the Global Assembly line is to describe the American companies built overseas for a cheap labor production and mass production. The documentary describes the international division of women labor and importance of women in the industrial manufacturing industries. The film shows that the growing importance of women in industries for the production of goods with cheap labor. Women and men working in free trade markets receive less or nothing in return of their labor. Women in Mexico earn 4 dollar a day whereas in America women can earn 5 dollar per hour. Mexico factories provide lower cost manufacturing opportunities. Companies force women’s to work overtime without giving any warning which will affect the health with pain and