The colonists were neglected for over one-hundred years, so when the British randomly started to tax the colonists without representation. British had little to no control over the colonies, so when they placed the Navigation act they didn't enforce it. It was Robert Walpole’s idea to loosen reins on the colonies and have England start paying more attention to European politics. Since the colonists did not expect random taxation without any notice, they decided that the only way to stand up to the colonists were to boycott and riot. The Boston Tea Party, which led to the Boston Port Act was the first real act of defiance. This showed the British that the colonists are strong and ready to be their own independent country. If the British weren't to have taxed the colonists, the United States would still be under British …show more content…
After December 16, 1774, Boston Tea Party, the British enforced the Boston Port Act. During the Boston Tea Party, sixty Bostonians dressed as Mohawk Indians and dumped out 342 chests or 92,000 tons of tea into Boston Harbor. The day after, men went out and patted the tea down to ensure that it could not be used. This was in retaliation to the taxing on tea. The tea acts allowed the East India Company a monopoly on all tea sold by the colonists. The idea of the Boston Port Acts was to discontinue the riots and danger. The Bostonians believe that is destructed the peace. The guidelines were that no ships could enter, anchor near, or leave Boston port. This allowed the king to have his ships in port to bring exports to different countries. While the British were making money, the Colonists were losing it by not making a profit from