The American Colonists did exactly this, only wasting much more than 100$. What happened at the Boston Tea Party was to grow friction between the Americans and the British. Britain had passed the Tea Act which forced Americans to only buy British Tea. Even though it didn’t cost much, the tea was still taxed, and was intolerable to the American Colonists. As a result, a group of Americans including the Sons of Liberty dressed up as Indians and boarded the British ships at the Boston Harbor. They threw off crates after crates of tea. At the end, it was estimated to be about $1,000,000 worth or tea thrown into the water. In addition to the Boston Tea Party, British Parliament passed the Intolerable Acts. This was a way to punish the colonists for their criminal behaviors. Nicholas Cresswell stated, “Everything here is in the utmost confusion. Committees are appointed to inspect into the character and conduct of every tradesman, to prevent them selling tea or buying British manufacturers. Some have been tarred and feathered, others had their property burned and destroyed by the populace” (Cresswell 4). This explains that the Americans continued to disrespect the British, some were tarred and feathered and others had belongings burned just because they weren’t an American Colonists. Dumping the tea into the water added to the long list of problem with the Americans and British. Not only was destroying British property criminal, but they attempted to bypass their own harsh actions by stating, it was either fight back or surrender to
The American Colonists did exactly this, only wasting much more than 100$. What happened at the Boston Tea Party was to grow friction between the Americans and the British. Britain had passed the Tea Act which forced Americans to only buy British Tea. Even though it didn’t cost much, the tea was still taxed, and was intolerable to the American Colonists. As a result, a group of Americans including the Sons of Liberty dressed up as Indians and boarded the British ships at the Boston Harbor. They threw off crates after crates of tea. At the end, it was estimated to be about $1,000,000 worth or tea thrown into the water. In addition to the Boston Tea Party, British Parliament passed the Intolerable Acts. This was a way to punish the colonists for their criminal behaviors. Nicholas Cresswell stated, “Everything here is in the utmost confusion. Committees are appointed to inspect into the character and conduct of every tradesman, to prevent them selling tea or buying British manufacturers. Some have been tarred and feathered, others had their property burned and destroyed by the populace” (Cresswell 4). This explains that the Americans continued to disrespect the British, some were tarred and feathered and others had belongings burned just because they weren’t an American Colonists. Dumping the tea into the water added to the long list of problem with the Americans and British. Not only was destroying British property criminal, but they attempted to bypass their own harsh actions by stating, it was either fight back or surrender to