Article Title: It’s Not Just About Salivating Dogs!
Author: Ivan Pavlov
Date of Study: 1927
Hypothesis: Ivan Pavlov believed that if a dog was exposed to a specific stimulus while being fed, the dog’s brain would associate the stimulus with the food; due to this association, the stimulus alone would prompt the dogs to salivate.
Variables: The independent variables, or the variables being manipulated and tested, are the various stimuli that Pavlov used to ingrain a response in the dogs: the ticking of metronome, footsteps, the scent of vanilla, a rotating object. The dependent variable, or the variable measured and tested, is the presence of salivation in response to a neutral stimulus after the dogs have been conditioned to associate the stimulus with food.
Description of design/setup of study: Pavlov performed his experiments in a soundproof laboratory, allowing for the dogs to be completely isolated from the …show more content…
The fact that Pavlov altered each dog 's’ natural instincts could even be labeled as animal cruelty, and therefore, his experiments were unethical. Another criticism of Pavlov’s study is that dogs are not the most biologically similar to humans. In order to achieve the best results to predict the potential for classical conditioning of humans, a more similar animal should have been chosen.
Applications or new directions for research: This study could be adapted to help prisoners trying to reform themselves. If negative or illegal thoughts and actions are associated with feelings of guilt and shame, it might prevent prisoners from committing crime again once they are released. Similarly, people suffering from depression and anxiety could be conditioned to associate triggers or stressors with more positive thoughts.