More Experience: Bigger Brain By Roger R. Hock

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In our daily bases brain plays biggest role, it helps human to grow, adopt and develop, everything that we do in life every movement, think, feel and emotions is because of the way our brain controls our body. In the book “Forty studies that changed psychology” by Roger R. Hock, he uses researches from different scientist and researchers to prove how every human part plays important role, most importantly how the brain is the main controller of the movement of the body. In the reading two “More experience= Bigger Brain” he describes how researchers explained that environment can change the way our brain works and how our body can be capable of develop in different ways. In the begging of the research the author describes the process of how researches created test. The author talks about how certain experiences can change our way of physical and mental development. As of example the author uses the anatomist Vincenzo Malacarne, the study was about the pair of dogs and birds, one set of dogs and birds were trained, others sets of dogs were in the same environment but not trained, the result came out shocking, the dogs and …show more content…
However other scientists were skeptical towards to the experience, since in the past research such effect was not demonstrated. The author also mentions how some scientist criticized that perhaps it was not the enriched environment that produced that brain change, but rather the how the rate was handling or stress. In addition, argument was made that the impoverished rat was stressed, and that’s what made that change in the development of the brain. In the further addition, the authors mention that others studies suggested that the effect on growing brain can either be reduced or increased, based on how the

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