Would the world be better off if all humans were the same? People do not wear the same clothes or think the same thoughts due to the human nature in an individual. This causes people to be different from others and create self expression. In a conforming society these standards are not applied. Certain groups of people in a conforming society aimlessly prefer to stay within these societal confinements. Although there are groups of people who are better off in a compliant society that minimizes pain and maximizes pleasure, the dangers of a conforming society ultimately lead to people to blindly submitting to societal standards out fear and social expectations.
Ideas can not be measured, they however can …show more content…
In the 1950s the U.S. took to extreme measures and built a conforming society out fear of being similar to the soviet satellite nations. Within this conforming society most people did not question society causing intellectual discussions to be avoided,“The 1950s could be considered complacent and conformist, or filled with threatening change and individuals turning their backs on anything held dear by generations of Americans. For the average American, however, the intellectual debates of the era were unseen and unheard” (William H. Young, Nancy K. Young, 21). Young shows in his piece of writing how citizens of the U.S. avoided intellectual conversations or discussions out fear. This common theme of a conforming society being caused by fear can be described in the text Fahrenheit 451. In the text residents conform to government standards by not reading books out of fear,“Why don’t you just read one of those poems from your little book’. Mrs.Phelps nodded,‘I think that’d be very interesting.’ ‘That’s not right,’ Wailed Ms.Bowles. ‘We can’t do that!”(Bradbury 95). Bradbury shows Ms.Bowles does not want the poem to be read because she is afraid of what could happen next. From this we can conclude that the citizens in society conform in certain ways out fear from the government. Fear although natural can cause stress in …show more content…
In the U.S. in the 1950s the complying nation the social expectations left minorities out,“Many in the 1950s strove for... conformity. Minorities seemed to be shut out from the emerging American Dream. Poverty rates for African Americans were typically double those of their white counterparts” (U.S.History.org Voices against confomrity). From U.S. history we can see how minority groups were left out in this obedient community. Children in the text Fahrenheit 451 are often left out in this community due to that they have free thoughts and do not think linearly like the rest of society “"I plunk the children in school nine days out of ten. I put up with them when they come home three days a month; it's not bad at all. You heave them into the 'parlor' and turn the switch" (Bradbury 93). This piece of dialogue shows how these children are misunderstood in this community and are not respected. Other ideas in thoughts in conforming societies that do not conform to the society’s standards are often left out. This is the case with many people living under the conditions of