Invasive Species Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography
Dejean, T., Valentini, A., Miquel, C., Taberlet, P., Bellemain, E., & Miaud, C. (2012). Improved detection of an alien invasive species through environmental DNA barcoding: The example of the American bullfrog Lithobates catesbeianus. Journal of Applied Ecology, 49,
953­959. doi:10.1111/j.1365­2664.2012.02171.x
In this research work authors suggests that It is more easy to destroy the Alien Invasive Species(AIS) at their very initial stage. They supported that now it is possible to detect low amount of species which help the researchers to stop the high risk of invasive species. The method which make it possible to detect as low species as today is environmental DNA or eDNA. Basically those species who are carried out
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Also the Smartphone application which was a cross platform was developed in order to update or view the data.
Takahara, T., Minamoto, T., & Doi, H. (2013). Using Environmental DNA to Estimate the
Distribution of an Invasive Fish Species in Ponds. PLoS ONE, 8(2), E56584­E56584. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0056584 Detection of Invasive Species in the field of Environmental Engineering is becoming more trending than before. Researchers are working on developing new techniques and method to detect the dangerous species DNA in water as early as possible. eDNA sequence based methods are working perfect as it was used in the 70 ponds of Japanese mainland and was able to detect bluegill sunfish, and Lepomis macrochirus. bluegill was observed more on the mainlands than the ponds and also eDNA of bluegill sunfish were detected on both situation when bluegill sunfish was visible to eyes and when it was not visible to eyes(e56584). The focus of the research was on the bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus), the authors said that they compared the DNA from main land, ponds and lakes and observed the

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