Internal Conflict In Tim Burton's Sleepy Hollow

Improved Essays
Warning! This essay may make whoever reads it want to learn more about the Headless Horseman. The Headless Horseman is a legend about a horseman that lost his head and is headless. He rides his horse in search of the head he has lost attacking anyone who stands in his way and not stopping at anything to get it. “Sleepy Hollow” by Tim Burton is a movie that is based on “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” by Washington Irving. Tim Burton took a creative license when he came up with the idea, and he transforms the legend into a completely new version that slightly represents the original version. “Sleepy Hollow” has a weak connection with “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” because the main characters are like different people with the same name, the internal …show more content…
The internal conflict in the legend was different than the internal conflict in the movie even though they both were internal conflicts Ichabod Crane battled. The only comparability between the two are that both internal conflicts were battled by Ichabod Crane. To begin with, the internal conflict in “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” is that Ichabod wanted to marry Katrina. Ichabod’s “heart longed for the girl” and he wanted to be with Katrina. Since Brom also fancied Katrina, he was battling an internal conflict of being too afraid to actually go and fight for Katrina. “No one dared to go against Brom openly. Therefore, Ichabod went on in a quiet and gentle manner” showing how he didn’t know if he should fight for Katrina or let Brom Bones win her over. In the end, Brom marries Katrina and not Ichabod. The internal conflict in the movie on the other hand, contrasts with the internal conflict in the Legend. One of the main internal conflicts in “Sleepy Hollow” is that Ichabod doesn’t know if he should trust Katrina or not. In the movie, Ichabod came across a drawing Katrina had drawn in multiple places and assumed that it was an evil eye that brings bad luck. He had seen her draw it in multiple places such as under her bed and in the church where the townspeople were hiding which led him to think that Katrina had been the one who was behind everything. This shows that Ichabod didn’t know whether he should trust her or not, and he ended up accusing Katrina of being behind everything and he lost the trust between them until he realised the drawing was meant to protect and not bring bad luck. Those are the reasons why the two internal conflicts were diverse just like the endings of the two

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