Identity And Identity Of Martin Luther King, Jr.

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Martin Luther KingJr., born on January 15,1929, in his grandparents ' home in Atlanta, Georgia. His parents were Martin (Michael) Luther King, Sr., a Baptist minister, and Alberta Williams Kim, a former teacher. Luther King 's father had originally named him Michael, after his father, but Martin Luther King 's father later changed both of his names to Martin Luther, in honor of the 16th-century German religious reformer. (Lambert, K. (1993) Martin Luther King, Jr.: Civil Rights Leader, 1993. Chelsea House Publishers.The United States of America. P.15) Luther King, Jr., a Baptist minister, and Civil-Rights activist inspired blacks and whites to protest racial inequality by using peaceful methods (Lambert,1993,n/p). Luther’s philosophies …show more content…
As some brilliant minds have been inspired by women and men’s successful ideologies, families relationships or past experiences ; likewise, Luther KingJr. was motivated and inspirited by others and by certain circumstances such as racial problems during his early years. Although King’s early years were also shaped by the realities of economic depression and Jim Crow segregation (page 10 Revolution of the Conscience) , Martin Luther’s family environment also played an important role in shaping Luther King’s identity and ideologies. Firstly, the "The King children grew up in a secure and loving environment". ( Martin Luther 's father, was more disciplinarian, while Martin Luther 's mother was easily balanced out the father 's stricter hand ( The stability of his family’s environment deeply influenced Martin Luther 's character during his earlier years and beyond. As a result of those factors, love, and discipline, Martin Luther King was a brilliant and disciplinary student“with solid family connections” ( Related to this statement, Martin Luther King wrote, "I grew up in a family where …show more content…
In 1956, the Us Supreme Court ruled that Montgomery 's bus segregation policy was unconstitutional. In 1963, Luther programmed boycotts in Birmingham, Alabama, as a consequent Luther ended in a jail, but from the jail, Luther eloquently spelled out his theory of nonviolence. On August 28, 1963, in the historical march on Washington, Luther in the shadow of the Lincoln Memorial made his famous speech “I have a Dream.”Subsequently, many people began to question the nation’s Jim Crow Law. As a result, “The passage of The Civil Rights Act of 1964 authorizing the Federal Government to enforce desegregation of public accommodation."This also led Luther to received the Nobel Peace Price for 1964.From late 1965 truth 1967, Luther expanded his Civil Rights into others cities including Chicago and Los Angles. Therefore, Luther King’s life had a huge impact on race relations in Unite State. Years after his death, Luther is the most widely known African-American leader of his era. His life and work have been honored with a national holiday, school, and public buildings named after him, and a memorial on Independence Mall in Washington, D.C.

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