In the document “Nonviolence: The Only Road To Freedom” MLK brings about how the overall conflict services and companies between the African Americans. One of the statements that he claims, “There is nothing quite so effective as a refusal to cooperate economically with the forces and institutions which perpetuate evil in our communities.” In addition, he also proclaims, “...refusing to purchase products from companies which do not have Negroes in meaningful numbers and in all job categories, the Ministers of Chicago under SCLC’s Operation Breadbasket have increased the income of the Negro community by more than two million dollars annually…. This nonviolence at its peak of power, when it cuts into the profit margin of a business in order to bring about more just distribution of jobs and opportunities for Negro wage earners and consumers.” To summarize in other words of what MLK was discussing about is this form of a way by not buying goods from services/and or companies that don't have African American. Or if they discriminate the employees and hire them in lower positions due to race. Not only is this a nonviolent protest, but will be effective positively and benefiting in their advantage. This also means another step higher in the Civil Rights movement towards equal …show more content…
Many followed and looked upon Martin, he gave people hope and helped them increase their faith. In this crucial and frustrating era, Martin pushed them all for the good, reminding them that they were changing the lives of the future, their children, for them. Of course, they faced their doubts throughout this journey. They are humans, who wouldn’t? In spite his opinion on nonviolence opposed to self-defense that may have influenced their doubt or the feeling of being defenseless. This nation has conquered so much, making history. Conceivably hoping to teach this generation and the ones who are still yet to come to the rights of equality of mankind. Whereas Martin’s perspective on; integrated against segregated, education, business, and economy was the more convenient and had the greatest extent of a revolutionary impact towards the Civil Rights