The protagonist in Identities, begins his day with pleasant intentions at the crack of dawn, feeling nostalgic, goes out to explore the city around him as “the promise of a Saturday liquid with sunshine draws him first from the study to the back yard.” Miss Brill wakes up in the morning admiring her coat that she had decided on while the morning sky was filled with “great spots of light like white wine.” This reveals to us that she was content in the morning as she was having a moment with her coat. However, the light does not last long in both stories as the life of the protagonist in Identities quickly turns dark when he is shot as he reached for his wallet which consequently was his “last voluntary moment of his life.” This story shows a literal example of the “light to dark” contrast, whereas Miss Brill has more of a metaphorical comparison where at the end d of the story she “went into the little dark room” to put away her beloved fur coat into a box. After closing the lid “she heard something crying.” The light in Miss Brill’s life was quickly blown out when the young couple made fun of her, she realized that the way she perceived herself is extremely different from how others perceive
The protagonist in Identities, begins his day with pleasant intentions at the crack of dawn, feeling nostalgic, goes out to explore the city around him as “the promise of a Saturday liquid with sunshine draws him first from the study to the back yard.” Miss Brill wakes up in the morning admiring her coat that she had decided on while the morning sky was filled with “great spots of light like white wine.” This reveals to us that she was content in the morning as she was having a moment with her coat. However, the light does not last long in both stories as the life of the protagonist in Identities quickly turns dark when he is shot as he reached for his wallet which consequently was his “last voluntary moment of his life.” This story shows a literal example of the “light to dark” contrast, whereas Miss Brill has more of a metaphorical comparison where at the end d of the story she “went into the little dark room” to put away her beloved fur coat into a box. After closing the lid “she heard something crying.” The light in Miss Brill’s life was quickly blown out when the young couple made fun of her, she realized that the way she perceived herself is extremely different from how others perceive