These colors were selected because what they represent. Red is brash and loud and therefore symbolizes the id, which controls short term decisions based of the lust for pleasure or the need to relieve anger. White is pure and is meant to embody the superego which strives for moral perfection. The manikin is pink since the ego is supposed to be the middle ground between the id and the superego, always making decisions based on reason and commonsense, rather than short term results or idealistic perfection. If enough pressure is applied to of the manikin’s arms, the manikin will tilt in favor of one side over the other and mind, or the representation, will become unstable. Within the buckets themselves, there is an equal amount of Lego bricks, four to be exact, to show that at that moment the mind is balanced. In addition, each brick represents a quote, either from Daniel K. Lapsley and Paul C. Stey or Sophocles, which can be found inside the gray speckled box in front of the
These colors were selected because what they represent. Red is brash and loud and therefore symbolizes the id, which controls short term decisions based of the lust for pleasure or the need to relieve anger. White is pure and is meant to embody the superego which strives for moral perfection. The manikin is pink since the ego is supposed to be the middle ground between the id and the superego, always making decisions based on reason and commonsense, rather than short term results or idealistic perfection. If enough pressure is applied to of the manikin’s arms, the manikin will tilt in favor of one side over the other and mind, or the representation, will become unstable. Within the buckets themselves, there is an equal amount of Lego bricks, four to be exact, to show that at that moment the mind is balanced. In addition, each brick represents a quote, either from Daniel K. Lapsley and Paul C. Stey or Sophocles, which can be found inside the gray speckled box in front of the