Freud perceived the mind to be a set of instincts, desires, and standards to withhold. His theory does not support the concept of hope for an individual to move beyond the needs during childhood. By focusing on the depravity of humanity, individuals may never find resolution in their situation, but only receive the ability to cope. In Christianity, there is hope and redemption to those who place their faith in Christ. While healing may be experience in multiple ways, there is hope for individuals despite their past trauma. Today, most psychologist would agree that pre-labeling individuals could provide psychological harm. For example the story of ….. shows the effects of stereotyping conditions to a particular trauma can lead to
Freud perceived the mind to be a set of instincts, desires, and standards to withhold. His theory does not support the concept of hope for an individual to move beyond the needs during childhood. By focusing on the depravity of humanity, individuals may never find resolution in their situation, but only receive the ability to cope. In Christianity, there is hope and redemption to those who place their faith in Christ. While healing may be experience in multiple ways, there is hope for individuals despite their past trauma. Today, most psychologist would agree that pre-labeling individuals could provide psychological harm. For example the story of ….. shows the effects of stereotyping conditions to a particular trauma can lead to