Protest songs identify with movements and revolutions connected to social change. These societal campaigns have narrated civil issues such as …show more content…
The themes surrounding his songs included typical blues topics such as women and having hard luck, but some of his most influential songs sang about injustice and its tragedy. Bill was drafted overseas to fight in World War I and was completely appalled by how African-Americans were treated in the South. He found this type of life intolerable and decided to express this unacceptable lifestyle through song. His song, “I Wonder When I’ll Get to Be Called a Man”, highlights the injustice and prejudice against African Americans in the U.S. because they are not white. In this song, Bill wrote, “When I got back from overseas, that night we had a ball. Next day I met the old boss, he said ‘Boy get you some overalls’”. Here Bill expresses how even after he risked his life for his country in the military he is still not respected or treated fairly. The songs continued with other verses highlighting that he continues to play the games to gain respect such as work in the fields and have an education, but not matter what he does, he will never be considered a man on the same level as a white