Humanistic Personality

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Personality is a dynamic and organized set of characteristics possessed by a person that uniquely influences their environment, cognitions, emotions, motivations, and behaviors in various situations. (McAdams, D.P.; Olson, B.D. 2010). I truly believe that the Humanistic personality theory justifiably aligns my perspective. The Humanistic perspective is the view that identification with other humans is the most important association and humanism is the philosophy that advocates this perspective of the world, and it generally states that human beings have basically the same needs and values regardless of their specific life circumstances. Also, it is important to understand that Humanistic identity stands in opposition to extreme forms …show more content…
The third core principle is human beings, are aware and or aware of being aware, and they are conscious. Human consciousness always includes an awareness of oneself in the context of other people. The fourth principle is human being have the ability to make choices and therefore have responsibilities. The final core principle of the Humanistic Personality Theory is human beings are intentional, aim at goals, are aware that they cause future events, and seek meaning, value, and creativity.” (Greening, T.
Humanistic theory emphasis on creativity and wholeness created a foundation for new approaches towards human capital in the workplace stressing creativity and the relevance of emotional interactions. Humanistic psychology concepts were embraced in education and social work; however, training practice were too superficial in most institutional settings. Though humanistic psychology raised the bar of insight and understanding of the whole person, professionally it is primarily practiced today by individual licensed counselors and therapists.
(Payne, M., 2011). When it comes to the application of Humanistic approach,
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Most values and principles of the humanistic social work practice helped with developing self and spirituality, developing security and resilience, accountability, flexibility and complexity in human life and practice, directly originate from the Humanistic psychological theory and
Humanistic psychotherapy practice. (Payne, M., 2011). Also, the representation and approach of the client and social issue in social work is made from the humanistic psychology position. In setting goals and the intervention activities, to solve social and human problems, there prevail critical terms and categories of the Humanistic psychology and psychotherapy, such as self actualization, human potential, holistic approach, human being, free will, subjectivity, human experience, self-determination and development, spirituality, creativity, positive thinking,

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