Human Selfishness In The Crucible

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The Crucible: The Link Between Injustice and Human Selfishness It is a common fact that everyone, absolutely everyone in this world, has committed a selfish act at least once in their lifetime. Perhaps one could argue that selfishness is simply a part of human nature. But the real question is, what circumstances encourage this so-called instinct to become prominent? In Arthur Miller 's The Crucible, characters clearly demonstrate that making selfish decisions is necessary when one is trying to protect themselves from a harmful situation. Individuals who face the injustice of false accusations will respond by making selfish decisions in order to save themselves from dangerous situations. Likewise, people who face the unfairness of prejudice …show more content…
John was a father to multiple children, including an oncoming unborn child, and Mary still decided that her life was more valuable than his. Mary treated John just like Abigail treated her, which is in an undoubtedly malicious manner, instead of taking a step back to re-access the matter and solve her situation in a much more peaceful way. Her actions clearly portray the message that selfish and impulsive behaviour can do evil things. It is therefore obvious that people who face false accusations will make selfish choices in order to protect themselves. Secondly, people who face the injustice of prejudice will often be forced to make selfish choices in order to defend themselves from danger. Tituba, who is a black servant from Barbados, was targeted because she was different and from an unknown place. When Abigail was confronted by Parris about what she and the rest of the girls were doing in the forest the previous night, she knew she had to blame someone. Abigail knew that blaming Tituba, who was an outcast of the community, would be the easiest option, so she did just that:
ABIGAIL: She comes to me every night to go and drink blood!
TITUBA: You beg me to conjure! She beg me make charm --
ABIGAIL: Don 't lie! To Hale: She comes to me while I sleep; she 's always making me dream corruptions!
TITUBA: Why you say that,
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In a way, Tituba could be blamed for all the people who were hanged, because they were accused of witchcraft and she was the first one to start listing off random people. Although the people she chose were specifically chosen due to their status and reputation in the community, Tituba soon became the founder of blaming other innocent people to protect one 's self in Salem. Soon, Abigail and even Betty followed her lead, ultimately leading to more innocent names being voiced. Tituba 's act was selfish, because she put multiple innocent lives in jeopardy just to save herself and make her argument against witchcraft seem more valid. Since Tituba faced prejudice from the community, she retaliated against it. The point of karma can be made here, since the community treated Tituba badly so Tituba therefore decided to treat the community badly. It is therefore prominent that those who face prejudice will often be forced to make selfish choices in order to defend themselves from dangerous

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