Human Nature In Parable Of The Sower By Octavia Butler

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Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler is set in 2024 in a world thrown into chaos by poverty, company control, and violence. The main character named Lauren Olamina is forced to travel north because her gated community was destroyed along with most of her neighbors. The traveling group consists of Zahra, Harry, and Lauren but it grows along the way. Harry and Zahra were in the same gated community with Lauren. Other characters that are included are people that Lauren comes across on her journey to the north. Human nature is what comes naturally to human beings. In her novel, Parable of the Sower , Octavia Butler conveys that human nature is good even in situations where the world is in complete torment and chaos. Parable of the Sower argues …show more content…
The group members were walking away from a town that was falling apart as it was getting destroyed by scavengers. After walking a few steps, Lauren writes that, “There were two voices calling from the rubble. Both sounded like women. One was pleading, the other cursing. We located them by the sound of their voices, then Zahra, Travis and I began throwing off rubble—dry, broken wood, plaster, plastic, and brick…”(231).This text shows that the group members placed themselves in possible danger to save strangers that could have easily been thieves. Lauren and Bankole went to rescue the girls under the rubble because they understood they needed help and their human nature kicked in which was to help those in …show more content…
Lauren’s group was attacked by drug addicts and one member of Lauren’s group died. Lauren writes “Jill Gilchrist is dead. She was shot in the back as she ran toward the trees carrying Tori”(298). This quote states that Jill died protecting Tori as they were getting attacked. Tori and Jillian were not related and they were once total strangers. Jillian put herself in danger for Tori .Jillian died because she protected a child that was not hers. Jillian by nature protected the child but she could have followed Mora’s example and ran away as soon as

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