Huck Finn Vs Society

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“In his own way each man must struggle, lest the moral law become a far-off abstraction utterly separate from his active life”(Jane Addams). Huckleberry Finn toils over his personal moral laws actively over the course of the novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. Huck Finn is a young boy who has ostracized himself from society in an attempt to escape the ‘sivilized,’ which leads him to a controversial adventure that test his beliefs. In his adventure, he exposes himself to perplexing situations and people that ultimately affirm him in his convictions. These convictions are what drive Huck Finn’s constant duplicity, unique engagements, and strong judgments that create a divide between him and society. Huck Finn and this society …show more content…
In the midst of a circus, a horse is nearly injured and among the laughter of the other attendees, Huck Finn “Was all of tremble to see his danger”(164). Huck Finn does not fall into the ruse of cruelty and amusement and instead stays loyal to his principles. He has a mind of his own that he uses to differentiate between right and wrong with and without the input of the general public. Even with the influence of the Duke and the King, when they start to con specific people Huck Finn admits that he has “never see anything so disgusting”(178). These are people that Huck Finn holds in high regard and he is still quick to judge, unaffected by their relationship because Huck Finn has strong opinions that he stands by. Huck Finn unashamedly reacts to his acquaintances that have done wrong because they have done wrong and their wrongs need to be realized. This unwillingness to relent to the popular or easy opinion ostracizes Huck Finn from …show more content…
Where Huck Finn evaluates his own morals and contemplates his actions based on proof, others in this society base their morals and beliefs on what they’ve been told and what other people believe. This system is black and white with no room for personal thought and does not allow for instances that are in the shades of gray. The ideals that this society has are based off a formula. This creates situations where innocent people are portrayed as bad, like Jim, and cruel people aren’t, like Tom Sawyer. Therefore, the society’s ideals are misjudged, and unquestioned which can only lead to blind compliance or

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