How Was Birmingham Children's Crusade Of 1963 A Turning Point In History

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Children’s Crusade of 1963
How would the world be if segregation was still happening? It was very unfair. The children’s crusade of 1963 was a major turning point in history. It was very unfair for colored people, they were not able to do everything that the white people were able to do. Most kids would leave school early and march down city. The point or goal of that was for all the kids to be put into jail and after a while the jails would get full and they would have to let everybody go. The main plan or job was to end segregation. The Birmingham Children’s Crusade of 1963 led to the end of segregation with Martin Luther King and after that, everybody was treated equally, no matter what race. The Birmingham Children's Crusade of 1963 was a harsh and effective turning point in history, having kids leaving school early to march down the city, ending segregation, and helped change many lives that were affected during the march.
The children’s crusade of 1963 was a major turning point in history. Many families and lives changed during this campaign. Even though they didn't agree with it, many people had to accept that they weren't able to do everything that the white people were able to do. Some areas had signs that were very mean, saying stuff like “whites only” or “no colored”. They were disappointed
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The kids that were involved in the march took a stand against society to end segregation. The kids were brave enough to go march down the city because some of them were sprayed with strong water hose and sometimes attacked by police dogs. This was a very tragic time period for many people. If segregation never ended, this world would be very unfair and harsh for many people. The ending of segregation helped change many lives that were in bad conditions or being tortured and provided equality for everybody and everybody had the same

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