How Has Slavery Impacted Society

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Throughout history slavery was a major part of life. Slavery impacted lives of every human and society on Earth. Between 1000 BC and the present day, the impact of slavery changed Europe in the areas of economics and policies, but stayed the same culturally. Slavery had impacted the world economically by changing the views on the hard-earned money spent on slaves. At first Romans used to purchase slaves quickly and locally at the market, easy like buying fruit at the store currently. But by present day the use of money on slaves changed. Now money is used to capture run-away slaves and bring them home to their rightful master. The change in the use of money impacted the worlds economics. As well as economics, slavery had impacted the world politically. As time goes on new ideas and plans of execution of slavery had changed. Like before with economics, the difference between early slavery and present day slavery, changed the worlds politics. Previously, slaves were common with people with few laws restricting it, but as time goes on these laws …show more content…
The uses of slavery changed throughout the year but the idea of using slaves still existed. With previous people using slaves as tools of wars, the disrespect towards slaves still lived on after the usage passed away. Currently some people are required to wear identification patches as a symbol for their difference. Even though slavery usage drastically changed, culturally and mentally, the impact created by slavery did not change. By looking back into history and examining the outcomes, we can see that the impacts of slavery focused on economics and policies while leaving culture alone. With examples like the United States Civil War fought over the right of slaves and the emancipation proclamation in the past to look at, historians and common people are able to deduce what slavery meant to the world and how it impacted the lives of every human

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