In Ray Bradbury’s novel, “Fahrenheit 451” Montag is the overall main character in this anticlimactic story. Ray Bradbury has this vision of what the future will be like. He thinks That no one will read book and books will almost become illegal to have. This story takes place in what seems like a melancholic, dilapidated city. Montag is a firefighter. He isn't an ordinary firefighter. Montag burns books for a living. The firefighters in Ray Bradbury’s story go out and find books to start a fire on. But throughout this novel montag changes as a person. Montage is not the same person he is when the book began, infact he changes dramatically and in various ways.
Montag was a normal person in the urban society he is living in. He obeyed all the rules and never did anything to make himself stand out. He listened to his wife nag all day and work endlessly all night. Montag would obey all the captains orders and did the best he could even if they did not follow his beliefs. Montag was like a robot. He did everything everyone told him to do. He was brainwashed by the society he lived in. Montag in the beginning of the story can't even think for himself. …show more content…
Montage meets a very eerie young girl. She make him realize that he need to think for himself, and figure out life's little mysteries for himself. She has him realize this he is not in love his wife, infact he hates his wife. Clarisse ends up getting hit by a car and Montag is not to excited about that. after she is gone he goes back to his old self but keeps everything she has said in mind. Montag starts to steal and read the book he is supposed to be burning. He is hiding them in the air conditioning ducts. Montag starts to have his own beliefs and he realizes the society he is living in quite morbid. He begins to read and figure out that the firefighters are being made to do horrible actions, that is burning books. He is thinking for himself and doing what pleases