Germany was emerging as a power house after their victory in war. Defeated French were looking for ways to regain their lost glory. New unified Italy was increasing their power as well. European nations were vying for supremacy and the fastest way to ensure it was colonization. Back in Africa, European armies were pushing for land which led to major confrontation in Europe. Scramble for Africa was not just about economics anymore. It was about establishing political dominance. All these events led to the Act of Berlin in 1885 which was an agreement to abolish slavery and allow free trade in Africa. The act also established new geographical boundaries to Africa and was awarded to different European powers. Present day historians refer to this as “geographical madness.” The irony of this act was that [Africans had no knowledge about the Act of Berlin. Unfortunately, they only saw the consequences of …show more content…
Colonization led to the introduction of European education in Africa. While some would argue that this can be considered a positive aspect, it only had superficial value. The education ensured that it was based on training clerks, artisans etc and was not aimed at industrialization or development of Africa.. Even to date Africa consumes many foreign produced products because the majority of their production is of raw materials for exports. This has created a shortage of goods in Africa causing price of food to increase as well. Introduction of the European system meant that African life styles were distorted. Their economy was [disarticulated]. Transportation system of Africa didn’t see much advancement during colonization. Europeans were only focused on building routes that would ease transportation from a colony to Europe. Road development was at its lowest. All these factors led to under development of