7th grade english mrs.king January 20,1016 culture of the 60s!
Many people don’t understand how important 1960 was to the united states of America.But it was the decisions made then that shaped America today.there was protests,sit ins and riots along with music,hippies and drug abuse. The war was also going on at this time.
The 196s had many, many protests. All over the United States, african americans were protesting for equal rights,non segregation in schools,parks,and other public areas. You probably already know about Martin Luther King Jr, and rosa parks but there was many,many other people who lead protests,and other rebellious things. But the most important ones were from those people, but in way they all mattered.Many people went out on their own to walk down a street with a pick-it sign or sit in …show more content…
a dinner until someone served them.On Feb,1,1960, a group of four African American college students, Joseph Mcneil, Franklin Mcaill, David Richmond, and Ezell Blair, sat at a segregated lunch counter in Greensboro.They would not leave until they were served.( the learning network) This act made other