An indulgence is another word for pardon. In this case, greedy church officials would make large amounts of money by giving the illusion that people would have their sins forgiven if they payed money for it. One of the earliest people to take notice of this issue was John Wycliffe, a scholar in England during the 1370s. He was very open about his thoughts and had a strong negative attitude toward the clergy. One of Wycliffe’s writings clearly shows his ultimate complaint about this rising issue. “Priests, and especially high priests should be ashamed of the lives they lead, for they have reversed Christ in both word and deed.” (Document one) is a section of this piece that explains his complaint with the church because the people many citizens look up too are saying that there is no problem with going against God if there is a need to do so. Many church officials would lie to citizens by selling indulgences to become wealthy. Another person to notice this issue was
An indulgence is another word for pardon. In this case, greedy church officials would make large amounts of money by giving the illusion that people would have their sins forgiven if they payed money for it. One of the earliest people to take notice of this issue was John Wycliffe, a scholar in England during the 1370s. He was very open about his thoughts and had a strong negative attitude toward the clergy. One of Wycliffe’s writings clearly shows his ultimate complaint about this rising issue. “Priests, and especially high priests should be ashamed of the lives they lead, for they have reversed Christ in both word and deed.” (Document one) is a section of this piece that explains his complaint with the church because the people many citizens look up too are saying that there is no problem with going against God if there is a need to do so. Many church officials would lie to citizens by selling indulgences to become wealthy. Another person to notice this issue was