At this point of history there was only one church in the West- Catholic church which was controlled by the pope. The church was corrupted and the pope and cardinal were living like kings. Popes claimed more power as well as commanded armies and more political alliances. The corruption of the church was well known and several attempt had been made to reform the church but none of them were successful until Martin Luther came.
2. Who attempted to reform the Church during the Renaissance? How and why? (4)
Martin Luther began the reformation in 1517 by posting the “95 theses”. Luther argued firstly about the transubstantiation. He said that the priests and pope have no longer close relationship with God and denied that anything changed substance during Holy Communion. He was also against the sale of indulgence by the church. This practice was about buying indulgences, could buy their own way to heaven. And finally the role of the church. Luther and his follower agreed that there should be no art in the church as it cost too much money would they could give to the poor and it violates one of the ten commandments. …show more content…
Why was Luther disturbed by the selling of indulgences? (5)
A person called Teztel was raising money to rebuilt the cathedral in Rome. But in order to have this money, he had to sail indulgences which was a pardon. The problem was that indulgences were penalty towards the church as it was not suppose to affect god’s right to judge. Luther was troubled by Teztel practise. In response, He wrote the ’95 theses’ attacking the