How Did French Art Affect The French Revolution?

Decent Essays
The French Revolution started in 1789. After ten years chaos, in 1799, the general Napoleon seized control and, in 1804, proclaimed himself emperor. Though he had tried, failed attempt to unite all of Europe. With the revolution, French artists searched its moral and political purpose as known as Neoclassicists. The other pursued human nature as known as Romanticists. I would like to introduce two paintings from both Neoclassical periods as well as the Romantic to explain how the French Revolution affected.

Jacques-Louis David was a leader of Neoclassical artists. Before the French Revolution, he commissioned from the King of France who made him on the work on Oath of the Horatii to express loyalty to the King and state. However, when the start of the French Revolution, David painted The Lictors Bring to Brutus, the Bodies of His Sons. It had been banned displaying on Paris Salon by the royal court because of its revolution-supporting theme. The painting portrays
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Delacroix painted Liberty Leading the People in 1830. In his painting, a woman leads the people with holding the flag of French Revolution. There are fallen bodies, but she is going ahead. The woman who is known as Marianne is described as a symbol of Liberty. Delacroix depicted a robust woman. Barefoot and bare-breasted seems to be pure liberty strides. Delacroix wrote for his painting: "My bad mood is vanishing thanks to hard work. I've embarked on a modern subject—a barricade (means French Revolution). And if I haven't fought for my country, at least, I'll paint for her."

Jacques-Louis David and Eugène Delacroix depicted French Revolution in their painting. David's The Lictors Bring to Brutus, the Bodies of His Sons, depicts a character who is a heroic defender of the Republic affected by French Revolution. Delacroix directly depicts the heroine that leads the people in the French

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