David’s painting, made in the Neoclassical period in France and was a royal commission that required him to paint something that depicted loyalty towards the republic. Hence David painted a historic event set in ancient Rome, where three brothers from the Horatii family agree to fight for Rome against three brothers from the Curiatii family from Alba Longa, who were also their family as they were united by marriage. It has strong neoclassicism features such as the …show more content…
In the first arch, he arranged the three brothers in a manner that depicts them to be free from any doubt towards their loyalty. The harsh slanting lines with idealized faces and bodies of the men and stretched out arms convey a sense of intensity and clarity of purpose of the oath. The straight lines also symbolize strength which is moreover visible through the swords. The contrasting arch on the right depicts the women who are grieving the horrific events to come, this sensitivity is portrayed through the lines that are curvy. In a way, the harsh straight lines of the men reflect on the separation of the columns and the family ties and the curviness of the women reflect the arches which hold them together. David also uses color to signify the contrast as the men are in vibrant colors whereas the women have a muted tone. As expected in neoclassicism, David shows great accuracy of the figures wearing traditional roman clothes and drapery of the clothes from Greek