How Can Guevara Be Remembered?

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Alvaro Vargas Llosa refers to Guevara as a “ruthless” killer.” Jean Paul Sartre states that “Che was the most complete human being of our age.” Which Che should be remembered? both, neither, only the good or bad. His legacy has become one of two extremes. In “The Pedagogy of Ernesto Che Guevara,” John D. Holst describes some of the positive views of Guevara. Holst states that Che was a “beloved figure in revolutionary Cuba in part because of his work ethic and willingness to be the first volunteer for difficult or dangerous tasks” (Holst 162). Guevara was determined to do everything in his power to liberate Latin America. Guevara possesses noble qualities and his genuine intentions for liberation are why he still has supporters today. He is

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