Hillary Rodham Clinton: Women's Rights Activist

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Hillary Rodham Clinton was born on October 26, 1947, in Chicago, Illinois. When she was a toddler, she moved to Park Ridge, IL. It was the quiet upper-middle-class suburban area. She was raised in a United Methodist family. Her father, Hugh Ellsworth Rodham, was of Welsh and English descent. He managed a successful small business in the textile industry. Her mother, Dorothy Emma Howell, was a homemaker of English, Scottish, French, and Welsh descent. Hillary has two younger brothers, Hugh, and Tony. As a child, Hillary Rodham was a teacher's favorite at her public schools in Park Ridge. She participated in sports, such as swimming and baseball, and earned numerous awards as a Brownie and as a Girl Scout. While in High School, Maine South …show more content…
Hillary has worked toward reform on women’s reproductive rights, establishing the importance of family values, and improving after-school programs. As both an advocate and legislator, she is a stalwart on women’s rights to equal pay. Clinton’s role in creating the Justice Department’s Office on violence against women underscores her advocacy for gender equality. She has also made the cause a significant Clinton Foundation priority. In the aftermath of September 11th, she worked closely with her senior Senate counterpart from New York, Charles Schumer, on securing $21.4 billion in funding for the World Trade Center redevelopment. In November 2012, Secretary of State Clinton brokered a ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas. As Secretary of State, she not only recognized the imperative of placating Iran’s nuclear ambitions but also took proactive steps to begin negotiating a viable deal. Clinton played a role in numerous U.S.-led bilateral trade agreements—most notably, efforts on the TPP and a deal brokered between Pakistan and Afghanistan. Both Clinton’s presidential platform and her legislative record clearly identify her support for raising the federal minimum wage. Alongside many of her Democratic counterparts, Clinton has championed the fight against climate change, both domestically and on a global scale. Hillary’s career has been marked by advocacy for human rights. In her concern as First Lady and Secretary of State especially, Clinton worked to ensure proper labor and sociopolitical protections around the world. Her legislative record and decades of advocacy for highlight her views, which are in step with a majority of

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