Heroism is being able to sacrifice your own life for others. The red bandana guy (Welles Crowther) risk his own life by trying to save many lives of others before he …show more content…
For instance, Abraham Lincoln worked hard in life and was determined to abolish slavery, no matter how many death threats, and hurtful words he received he never gave up. He had said “I expect to maintain this contest until successful or till i die”. Abraham lincoln was determined and worked hard most of his life to achieve his goal, and never gave up even though he was endangering his own life.. As a matter of fact, Martin Luther King Jr. gave speeches of his true feelings to the people all over, which had and showed his determination and efforts to making a change. He had many inspiring words including “If cant fly, then run, If you can't run, then walk, If you can't walk, then crawl, but whatever you do keep moving”. Martin Luther King Jr. was determined to achieve his goals, make a difference and wanted the people to feel safe and equal. Having determination, and working hard, is inspiring and …show more content…
A man by the name of Frederick Douglass did his best to help abolishment of slavery he did not hide or fear what could happen to him. Frederick Douglass had a hard life as a slave, he had once said “If their is no struggle there is no progress” The quote presents that Frederick Douglass, knows what it it like if to struggle, and knows what it is not, as a former slave he was beaten and tortured and when freed he did not hide, but instead went around spending the word to abolish slavery once and for all. Another reason that would represent a hero who does not hide from problems but instead faces them would be the soldier who lost his leg in Afghanistan. Tristen Eugene Segers had said “Of course the loss of leg changed but did not define me or the rest of my life (“SB pg.59”). Segers show heroism because he did not let his own leg stop him and bring him down. Segers still faces the challenges and obstacles any other person had to and still puts full effort to complete them. Therefore being brave instead of hiding from problems shows strength and a true