Heroism In Noah And Gilgamesh

Improved Essays
“ A hero is an ordinary individual who find the strength to preserve and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.”("Christopher Reeve Quote." ). Being a hero is a responsibility, but the ones who do not give up even when they are put in the most difficult positions and put their best effort forth in any situation. When having to choose a more epic hero, many qualities come into play. Between Gilgamesh and Noah, I believe that Noah is a strong hero. Yet, I also believe that Gilgamesh is a strong hero. Both show great amounts of heroism, yet they both showed weakness. When I think of a hero, I think of a person who goes way out of their personal way to help someone in need. I think of a person who is courageous and someone who is always up for a challenge. In these two stories, both Noah and Gilgamesh show immense heroism. Both Noah and Gilgamesh go out of their way to show their faith. Noah’s quest was for continuation of mankind and Gilgamesh’s quest was to help find eternal life for his friend, Enkidu. God told Noah to round up two of every animal, his family, and build an ark so that God can rid of the evil that was on the Earth. He left his comfortable lifestyle to live on a boat while it rained for forty days and forty nights, and one hundred and fifty days it took to dry the Earth. …show more content…
The characteristics that I see in a hero are putting others before yourself, courage, and overcoming weakness. Heroism is hard to define because it is the personal acts that make someone heroic. It can not be measured just by how large the act is, but by what is in the heart of the person and what they have to overcome personally to achieve these acts. “The greatest obstacle to being heroic is the doubt whether one may not be going to prove one's self a fool; the truest heroism is to resist the doubt; and the profoundest wisdom, to know when it ought to be resisted, and when it be obeyed.” (Hawthorne,

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