Heroin Epidemic Analysis

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There is a heroin epidemic sweeping across the country; how can one believe this will impact on the United States! The heroin epidemic is affecting people's everyday lives. It will continue to affect them throughout the future. In the articles “Safe heroin injection sites get OK from King County health board”, by Seattle Times; also in the article, “Issue Overview: Heroin Addiction” by Lauren Etter, Bloomberg; finally in the article, “Soaring overdose deaths cut U.S. life expectancy for 2nd year” by Mike Stobbe, Associated Press. Heroin is a dangerous substance to use and it will affect the future; with heroin injection sites, overdose (OD), and life expediency. Also, there favorable and defective topics about heroin injection sites.
Heroin injection sites can be disastrous or further advance U.S. society. In the article “Safe heroin injections sites…,” it states, “Supporters say the
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(Seattle Times, paragraph 11) With there being safe heroin injection sites, the people that control them can monitor and limit the heroin injected; this will benefit the future of the country, by having less death rates. Also, as proclaimed in the article, “ Safe heroin injection sites…,” by Seattle Times, paragraph eleven, sentence one, it states, “...meaning fewer used needles littering sidewalks.” Limited needles on sidewalks, leads to less diseases and harm to come to one's body; therefore, in the future there might less wounds brought about by needle puncture. In conclusion, heroin injection sites could become an everyday normally concept. Moreover, overdosing (OD) is a major therome that will have an impact on the

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