Head Mice Research Paper

Improved Essays
Head Lice is very common with young school age children and very annoying to get rid of. Everyone has had lice at least once. Head Lice are tiny, wingless parasitic insects (Head Lice, 1995-2017). The live in the hair near the scalp and lay their eggs near the scalp also (Head Lice, 1995-2017). Many people have had at least one experience with head lice. Head Louses are tiny six-legged insects (Treating and Preventing Head Lice Infestations, 2005-2017). They cling to people’s necks and scalps (Treating and Preventing Head Lice Infestations, 2005-2017). They are about the size of sesame seeds (Treating and Preventing Head Lice Infestations, 2005-2017). They feed off of our blood to survive (Head Lice, 1995-2017). They lay their eggs and the eggs are called nits (Treating and Preventing Head Lice Infestations, 2005-2017). The nits are even harder to see (Treating and Preventing Head Lice Infestations, 2005-2017). They are very annoying, contagious, and hard or challenging to get rid of (Head Lice, 1995-2017). They are not dangerous and they don’t spread any diseases (Head Lice, 1995-2017). Head lice …show more content…
You can confuse them with dandruff when there is an infestation. You can get head lice if you are a parent, older sibling, or younger sibling of a child that has an infestation (Treating and Preventing Head Lice Infestations, 2005-2017). You get head lice through head to head contact since they can’t fly (Treating and Preventing Head Lice Infestations, 2005-2017). This topic matters because many people get head lice and it is good to know about it. If one doesn’t know about head lice then they might freak out when head lice is not dangerous at all. Another thing is if one doesn’t know about head lice they need to know how to treat it. At the very end head lice will ALWAYS be annoying. If one thinks about it then they will realize that head lice is very

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