Bacon et al. (2007) the modeling software is, “composed of a comprehensive package of natural and technological hazard prediction models and casualty- and damage-assessment tools that provides a linkage between a modeled or observed effect and the attendant consequences for populations, infrastructure, and resources” (p. 319). The software similar in nature to the HAZUS-MH as the system can provide similar data information about damages and losses as part of the planning and mitigation process. Planning process requires accurate information that makes multi-hazard modeling a difficult process. Bacon et al. (2007), “The Consequences Assessment Tool Set (CATS) emphasizes the calculation and analysis of consequences rather than just the display of hazard distributions” (p. 319). Generating vital feedback from the software program to be able to respond to a hazard event is key. If there is flooding their needs to be reliable data in-put and …show more content…
Though I have no information on the cost of a typical hazard-modeling program, it does play a tremendous role in some situations. Spending thousands of dollars on a software program better produce fruitful, accurate data for planning. That is why choosing the right hazard modeling software that is beneficial and cost effective is important. The HAZUS-MH hazard modeling Everett uses was able enhances and update the city’s current hazard mitigation plan. The product is cost effective because of the free software that is provided and backed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The City of Everett, specifically Washington State has many potential hazards that the HAZUS-MH hazard modeling has and fit the city needs based on the software’s features alone. Since the Federal Emergency Management Agency designed the program, it makes it the most appropriate product to use. Many jurisdictions use FEMA as a guide in the planning process that leaves FEMA to be superior in their recommendations of hazard