Harrison Burgeron

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The word “dystopian society,” seems to possibly be an over-dramatized idea that can only seem to exist in fictional settings. In Harrison Burgeron by Kurt Vonnegut, a particular dystopian society, controlling and confining in its own way, is portrayed concerning possible political ties and extreme lack of individuality, or more like the force to impose lack of individuality. The abuse of governmental power shown throughout Harrison Burgeron and it’s control over what individuals wear, think, say, and even do suggests that there is danger in an unhealthy balance of “equality.”

Moreover, Vonnegut sets the story in American soil during the year 2081; the exaggerated laws of equality have been added to the Constitution by the Amendments 211, 212, and 213. The responsible face leading the primary group of agents that enforce these “laws of equality” is known as the Handicapper General, or
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3). As for people like Hazel, who only have a “perfect average intelligence,” meaning that she cannot think “about anything except in short bursts,” (Par. 1), causes her to be disconnected of herself, indirectly including her as a part of the neutralized members of the country. This kind of absurd and unfair control Vonnegut’s created government in Harrison Burgeron portrays a futuristic dystopian society, and resembles how far a government would go to belittle its members and obtain absolute control over its citizens and have them conform to new sets of rules and living. In this case, it is the United States government and a very American attribute such as equality that Vonnegut uses to depict the dangers of having a right or law be taken too

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