2. I am going to teach you how to conk your hair just like someone taught me. First things first, you must go to the market store to buy all the ingredients to make the congolene; this includes Red Devil lye, two eggs, and two medium-sized white potatoes. Yes, this makes the congolene, not a snack. Then, you will go to the drugstore to buy a large jar of Vaseline, a large bar of soap, a large-toothed comb, a fine-toothed comb, a rubber hose with a metal spray head, an apron, and a pair of gloves.…
We know what you’re thinking, “Hairlip?” Yes, Hairlip, the rubber chicken. This mascot has been representing Troupe 5476 for years now. Continuing the tradition of Hairlip means passing down the role of being the “keeper of Hairlip” from one junior to the next.…
Another method that you can adopt when applying wigs is the tape method. Most tapes are already cut or pre-cut for convenience. Wearing a wig cap also provides more protection to your hair. Cut the lace wig and pre-bond double-sided tape to fit the hairline; then place it in front of your natural hairline covering the whole perimeter of your head. Apply the lace front wig by starting from the front of the forehead and work your way to other sides of the head.…
Clipped Ends If your braids are long enough to stretch right across your head then try a style like this. Here the ends of each braid have been secured on the side of the head using pretty clips. The braids themselves are tight and defined while the hair beneath has a softer feel. 6.…
Moisturizing and styling twists is very much similar to moisturizing and styling your hair while it’s completely free and loose, so maintaining two strand twists is really easy and straightforward. If the twists around the hairline start to begin fuzzy, you can redo them at night while watching your favorite show with little to or no inconvenience. How to do a two-strand twist on natural hair Two-strand twists are easy to install and depending on the how small you make each twist and how long your hair is, it can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours. The technique and principles are the same, however, so once you get the hang of it, you’re pretty much an expert. Some tips to follow before and during twisting are: 1.…
Keep the lashes curled longer by wiggling the brush back and forth .This this should be done at the base of your lashes then comb the lashes lightly at the tip. If you want to hold a curl applies thicker mascara coat at the root of the lashes and a lighter one ant the tips do not curl the eyelashes after the mascara has dried since the outcome…
The importance of disentangling the hair correctly is to avoid damage and breakage of the hair. It is important to start detangling from point to root and slowly work your way up through the hair with a disentangling comb because you can…
When we were little girls, our mothers were quick to put our hair up in ponytails, pigtails, and even braids. If you had long hair, they would use a barrette to keep hair out of your face, and of course you look pretty. But did you know that all of that pulling, tugging, and twisting is not good for the hair. It can lead to a condition called Traction Alopecia. Traction Alopecia is a disease that can appear in otherwise healthy people.…
Then fold it in half and tie a loop in the middle. You will need to either tape the loop to something or use a safety pin. The knot you’ll be using for the first two bracelets is the forward knot. It looks like a 4 and it moves right . The third bracelet also uses a backward knot which looks like a backwards four and it moves to the left.…
I don't know braids ! Pigtails ! A pony tail anything Okay well sit down…
Braids that are too tight can pull the hair out from the scalp and eventually prevent it from growing anymore, a condition called traction alopecia. Additionally, braids that are too tight can cause inflammation, and dirt and bacteria can become trapped under the hair, which can cause infection. Hair loss from too tight braid foundations can begin early or appear as a woman ages. The Link Between Weaves and Hair Loss…
When she had her hair cut, they braided it, and cut it off. She still has the hair in a hope chest in her home…
“Hairitage” What is the relevance of Black Women and their hair? “I am not my hair, I am not this skin, I am not your expectations, no I am not my hair, I am not this skin ,I am a soul that lives within.” All women can relate, when it comes to hair, it doesn’t matter your race or ethnicity; every woman has a battle with her hair. These battles can range from deciding on a color or cringing at the thought of just getting a trim. Visually, Black women’s hair is thicker, curlier, and frizzier than Caucasian hair.…
As a matter of fact, after achieving, maintaining the curls, one can just pull the hair sideways or towards the middle, secure the hair with a rubber band then hold the hair in place with a flirty pin. Isla Fisher This type of hair style consumes less time and at the end of the day what one achieves is worth a smile. Just concentrate the curls on strands sideways, and then hold them in place.…
Human hair is more expensive than synthetic hair, for the simple fact that it is real hair. The hair is shaved off of other people's heads. Using the Sam’s Beauty website, when it comes to human hair texture does not matter, but brand and lengths do. For the Sensationnel Human Hair Weave Empire either in Multi Deep weave, Loose Deep, Body Wave, and Straight all containing 4 pieces starts out at $ 27.99 the shortest lengths being 10”,12”, and 14”. But for an increase in length is an extra $20.00.…