Bloated bastartds, looking down at her as if they were innocent. How dare they judge her. Tara Green frowned at each in turn, The Council of the Guardian realm was a collective joke. And yet, here she was chained to the chair of the accused, a beam of sunlight burrowing into her skull. They had her good this time, she’d give them that.
If she could just get free she’d show them what real terror looked like. They had no idea how far she’d be willing to go, she’d do them much worse then she did to that worm. He desereved it. His death would force Andrew’s hand. Hadn’t they wanted that? She shook her head. What was she thinking. She was giving them too much credit.These myopic geezers could barely see past their own noses. Future? Ha! They were too self-involved to see the real danger. “Guilty,” a female voice said, breaking Tara’s inner monologue. She practically snarled at Kaejyn. “Damn it,” she said, tuning out Kaejyn’s justificaitons. She’d almost been certain that Kay would be on her side. They’d been friends once. Thankfully Michael had gone her way or this would have been over already. Reality started to scratch at the back of her brain and she didn’t like the feeling. Banishment she could deal with. She was resourceful. She could make a home in the Human Realm, but the partial erasure…that.. well, that was something saved for only the most dangerous of criminals. Tara wasn’t evil. Yes, she’d killed him. Yes, she’d enjoyed it. Maybe she went a little overboard in the violence column, but come on! Nothing was gained by the puny actions of thoes weakened by a conscious. He had to be stopped. She rolled her eyes. She’d been the only one with enough guts to take the actions needed. And how do they thank her? Erasure? Burning away her memories, her personality? She couldn’t believe it, yet it made a ton of sense. It was the easy fix, the quick clean up. She looked up, noticing that the talking had withered away to silence; all eyes were now trained on Andrew. Tara held her breah. It would be up to him. Minutes ticked away and the other memebers of the Council grew uncomfortable, they squirmed and wiggled in their chairs. Tara paid them no mind; instead, she dedicated her attention on Andrew. He stared down at the podium, ignoring her, giving her no chance to make a wordless plea. Her eyes narrowed and she concentrated on his energy. He was remembering, she could feel it. He was thinking about their old life together, imagining his future with and without her. He looked up and stared directly into her soul, the edges of his green eyes glowed with a constant golden glare. Damn it, she thought. This was not the look of typical Andrew, the lovesick boy who would deny his birthright …show more content…
He took a breath and ignored her existance. “The erasure of Tara Green will take place in twenty minutes, after a short recess.” He banged the gavel down twice on this podium and ended the session. The sound echoed all the way down into Tara’s soul and sung of finality with a note of emanate doom.
Her mouth hung open again. Twenty minutes? That wasn’t normal. The Council had to wade through moutians red tape. Typically, erasures were bumped back for days, sometimes weeks.
“Hey,” Tara shouted, struggling agaisnt the guards who were now dragging her toward the double silver doors that lead to the erasure chamber. “Hey,” she screamed, spikes bit into her wrists, blood dripped on the floor. She didn’t care.
Edwin turned to her and lifted an eyebrow, the room was on its feet, holding its breath for some final, terrible, horrific event from the infamous Tara Green.
Oh, she wanted to do that. Every fiber of her being wanted to boil each Council member, plus Damian, to formless mush, but all she managed was, “This is against protocal. I demand an appeal.” The guards squeezed her thighter.
“Your’s is a special case, Ms. Green,” Edwin said. “The erasure will proceed as