According to Klose (2014), the term decolonization refers to the ‘process through which colonial rule dissolved, and it encompasses the various political, economic, cultural and social dimensions of this process both in the periphery and in the metropole’. By way of explanation, decolonization refers to the undoing of colonialism. To …show more content…
However, it did not come easy. In some cases, decolonization was sometimes a violent process (revolution) while in some cases it was peaceful. The Atlantic Charter was one of the events that lead to decolonization, because of it Nationalism/ self –determination was promoted and it aided in decolonization and the fight toward independence. Both World wars One and Two had weakened the ruling countries and as a result, it was hard to control the colonies; consequently, this resulted in decolonization. With this being said, I believe, that the whole reason behind decolonization was solely Marxist. In other words, the costs of ruling some of these colonies were too much for the colonial powers and as a result they decided to grant them their